Lali's World

By Lali

Me and my old camera: self portrait.

You were close in your guesses, but it was actually canvas trainers. It was a close up taken from above! :)

Having a brief brake from themes now. I have a few ideas in mind, I just have to choose one for my next 12 shot series.

Today is Santa Eulalia. In barcelona, we celebrate saint days (santo). Eulalia is my full name, and Lali is just short for it. So yes, today is my saint day!!!!, but nobobdy ever remembers about these things any more!

Today I decided to take a picture of me and my camera. It's funny because when I went to buy the new one they said to me that if I traded the old one, they would give me a discount. Well, I decided to keep it instead, because I've sort of become attached to it. I get attached to funny things sometimes. I suppose, it has been with me all along for about four years and it's never failed me :)

I didn't have a very good day today, although it was less busy than I expected. I suppose everybody watched the England/Italy game in the pub before heading off to Murrayfield to see the Scotland/Wales game. I'm really sorry that Scotland lost, by the way.

Been baking this evening. I'll decorate the cake tomorrow and I'll blip a photo when it's finished. Working tomorrow again :(

I hope you're all having a nice weekend!

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