Now, I know what you're thinking. You're thinking I've posted this to show off to Northern hemisphere folk with rubbish weather about the sunshine here. Well I haven't (no really). This is a bookmark for me to come back to when I'm back in rainy chilly dark Scotland in (hopefully) 10 days or so, to remind me what we're coming back to eventually.
Yeah, I know: comes to the same thing really.
Still, I had to feel sorry for this bee, flitting between last years rosemary flowers hoping for a bit someone has missed.... The blossom is late in our garden this year. Last year when we were here the hyacinths were fully out, this year they are a stubby one inch shoot out of the ground, and I'm sure the mimosa was out last year at this time too - it is stubbornly refusing to bloom despite glorious sunshine the last couple of days which has seen us lunching outside in t-shirts.
This evening, however, I'm not so happy. After two days of hauling heavy things up to and into the truck, and then (today) out of the truck into the relevant boxes at the tip my muscles are screaming. I foolishly thought a hot bath would help, and even added salt thinking that it was sort of like bath salts. But no, everything has seized up now. With Mr B's shoulder still bust, I'm chief lifter and carrier in the house for the move. Gulp.
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