Club 107

By club107

This boot is made for walking

and walking it shall do, one of these days these boots (well he does actually wear the pair) are gonna walk right over to me. Number 1 son took two steps yesterday, I was even clever enough to have the swanky camera and filmed it. I reckon we are only a couple of days off from full on walking.

They say that buses in London often come in threes, somehow I have the feeling it was the same for bad days. Today I had such a headache and stomach pains I remained in bed til late morning. Then when I got up things began to go downhill. Details spared, we managed to rally the day and as I type the girls and Madame are playing a game in front of the fire. A cake is cooking, 9 years ago Madame was just about to go into labour, a new bicycle was purchased we'll have it Wednesday and tomorrow will be another day. Unfortunately, given the plans afoot, I fear the fourth bus is on its way, despite the celbration we will be having.

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