Uncertain Emotions

By meltingman

Sorry, but....

....I hate Valentine's Day.

I don't particularly like it when I'm in a relationship, but as a single person, it's like having your eye poked with a pointy stick. Repeatedly.

I've got nothing at all against roses, romance and love - just as I don't have anything against people showing their love, here or elsewhere. I just don't like today and the commercial whirlwind it's become.

I know a lot of people in blipworld will like Valentine's Day and I don't for a moment want to take anything away from that, or criticize anyone for enjoying today, it's just that it's not my cuppa tea, that's all.

So, I'm going to be mostly hiding from blip today - although I will check in briefly again later.

This isn't a particularly great or creative photo, but the one I originally wanted to do, just wasn't going to work.

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