
By ausmossie

5 Second Preview

I stopped in town tonight after dinner to take some pics. I shoudl ahve taken my tripod but its very cumbersome. After a few that I wasn't happy with, Iwas in a taxi on the way home and decided to try a few longer exposure shots.

When I saw this... I thought about it.. This is a 5 second exposure while sitting in the passenger seat of a Harbin taxi. When I looked at it for a while, I realised that ALL taxi rides feel like this in Harbin. Traffic here is pretty crazy. Its the only place I have ever been to where 2 lanes each way can become 5 one way and 3 the other way. I have been in a taxi that almost hit the curb on the left hand side of the road to get 2 saces further ahead in the line.. And here.. they drive on the RIGHT.

Most of the taxi drivers are good and try to have a chat though.. And after they realise you aren't a tourist they rarely try to rip you off. As with most things though... if they are pretty good guys, you don't mind if they get a few extra yuan.. it means more to them than it does to me..

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