My Mind's Eye

By meyeeye

Sweet Day

Happy Valentines 2011.

12 Valentines my husband and I have now celebrated together. On our first valentines day, we will always have the memory of our romantic dinner out at a Scottsdale restaurant where I had "raw oysters on the half shell" (apparently an aphrodisiac). Well an hour or so after our romantic meal, it was obvious that one BAD oyster put an end to any romance we had planned. 11 years later and we are still enjoying a nice meal out on the day of Love and I'm happy to say that thankfully no one was sick.

The difference between now and our first valentines is that we have "L". She has a better grasp on what the holiday is about and she was so sweet to wrap presents up for both Daddy and I. I received a beautiful "BooK" and Daddy got a "Balsa Wood airplane". She found the items in her closet and beautifully wrapped them in tissue paper and colorful gift bags...she even used tape. She is such a giving thoughtful little person and I so enjoyed our 12th Valentine celebration this year.

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