surely you can see

By petergarver

Just two days ago, I found myself explaining in a comment on my blip why it is that I don't call myself an "Artist" or "Photographer"...I think a person really only gets to be a few nouns in life, and lately people tend to give themselves a noun every time they come up with something to do on Friday night.

I've made myself sort of a counterexample - I embrace picture-making, practice it every day, and studiously try to improve, but don't label myself with the noun because, really, I don't think I'm there yet.

I went to a reception today at my local library - a sort of "opening" for the 35-or-so photographs they selected to hang in the gallery space by the entryways. When I got there they gave me this nametag.

So I dunno, maybe I am one. But I'm going to keep denying it anyway. :)

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