jeni and the beans

By themessymama


Ben and I were looking through some old pictures, and came across some from when my family came to visit Steve and I when we lived in Finland. Ben got very excited to see his Grandma and Grandad in the pictures and started hopping about asking to see them on the tv (he means to Skype them!) so I gave dad a call (mum's off in the Lake District, leaving dad to eat sausages apparently) and we got him up on the screen. Ben played all shy to start with then got into the swing of things and was showing dad all sorts of stuff from the daffodil that we made as a trial for a mother's day craft, to some snowmen, and then they started playing peekaboo.

My parents paid us a surprise visit yesterday. They'd been staying with my brother in London over the weekend, been to see the Bridget Riley exhibition and had gone to the circus as well, and when Dad phoned in the morning he said it would have been a shame not to come and say hello seeing as they were in our neck of the woods (i.e. south of Watford...). I picked Ben up from preschool and was just telling him that there were some special people here to say hello as we walked out of the door - and he spotted them across the carpark and started grinning, "grandma! grandad!!" Spent a couple of hours playing with Grandad while mum and I chatted in the kitchen :) Lovely!

Tots was good this morning, the coloured salt dough I took for craft went down well, and Ben and I spent a happy half hour using up the leftovers this afternoon. And because I was then in the swing of craftiness, I trialled some daffodils on Ben - a possibility for a mother's day craft. Easy-peasy and I even have enough "happy egg" egg boxes for 42 flowers! No painting needed, everything cut out and ready, just assemble and label and off you go. Need to figure out a way of personalising them really, that's half the fun. Glue and glitter possibly :)

Sorry about yesterday's brevity!! I was absolutely shattered and it was as much as I could manage to get that brief blip done ;) Thankyou for being so kind :)

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