15/29 clouds

Well. Today has been... interesting and pretty boring in equal measure. We've done very very little except slob in front of the tv really, resting, rehydrating, trying to eat a little. I've been SO HUNGRY but thanks to a lack of bottom back teeth it's been a bit tricky. Getting a bit fed up of soup to be honest.

Charley has been trying valiantly to cope with the humongous amount of milk suddenly available to him. There's been too much really. It's been painful. It's been a few weeks since I had full-on painful engorgement! Apparently my boobs miss Ben quite a lot.

Actually, I miss Ben quite a lot. I didn't realise how much I missed him until I said it out loud, then hearing myself say the words triggered tears!! Soppy old girl. I don't know. I miss him :) But he's having a lovely time with his grandparents. They arrived around 1am last night, sorted out sleeping arrangements (I believe it was something to do with pulling all the cushions off the sofas and him and my mum sleeping in the living room) and went to sleep. This morning mum said he woke up first but was very quiet until she woke up :) AND he's eating. Obviously because he doesn't have milk on tap!! So glad he's eating though. (Although like I said my boobs aren't so happy. A week of him being mainly on milk thanks to infections, and then going cold-turkey - oooh joy) So he's played with trains, made spaceships, seen his other grandparents, slept and is now going to be tempted with mashed carrot and swede which I don't know if he'll like or not.... but he's not allowed to go to bed until mum does, so it's a good job he's had an afternoon sleep!

I managed to get out at teatime to drop some laundry round at a friend's house for tumbledrying (our belt has broken and getting hold of the shop who sold it us in December to get it fixed is proving difficult, I may have to take a walk down there tomorrow - oh how I miss having a tumbledrier already) and on the way noticed the sun setting and the clouds looking all golden and glorious and the church steeple catching the light. I had to go on a hunt and KNEW I should have taken the camera with me. As it was the trusty iPhone was at hand and once I'd switched from movie to still (thanks Ben for all the random pictures and videos of Charley) I managed to get one shot, and hoped it would be good enough! Dropped off the laundry, called in at the shop on the way back for yet more soup and back to find Charley STILL happily sitting with his dad. Excellent!

All he's done today is have quick drinks, play lots, scream when I try and feed him to sleep until he gets wrapped up either in the moby or in Steve's dressing gown, and sleep. MY POOR BOOBS!!!!!! At least I'm reasonably sure he'll drink lots overnight....

What was it I was saying the other day about having a baby who snacks at night and eats loads during the day and how I wished it was the other way around? Haha. Came back and bit me didn't it ;0)

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