
By astudyinscarlet


down in northumberland for a couple of days, but S was on family time today and the parents didn't need assistance (read: a garden skivvy labourer) so i took myself off for a walk down to alnmouth, a mile or so away. it was low tide, so lots of sand and estuary mud, a fair amount of birds which you'd need a lens the length of my arm to snap and almost no people. i like it here, i thought at one point, i could do this. and then a minute later: but it's only like this in winter, most of the year it's all tourists and sticky children eating sweets and loud voices in strange accents and urg.

but anyway, it's nice down here and plenty to snap - i took about 50 pix in the hour or so i wandered, beach, pebbles, sand, boats, village, estuary, the works. i've not been down in a while, and not in such nice weather taking pix for years (literally: here's one from the last time). go visit :-)

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