Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat

Day 1: The holiday adventure begins!

We began today with packing for our holiday. During the week I have been making lists, organising things, redrafting lists and categorising items. Everything was packed (in a very loose sense of the word) in the correct bags and all that needed done this morning was for The Boy to efficiently pack things in a space saving style whilst I checked them off my list. Everything was fine until The Boy decided that it would be far easier if he just packed things (without ticking them off) and if they fitted, then we were done. What? No list? No checking and double checking that things are packed. In the end I went for a walk and left him too it.

By late afternoon it was time to head off to the airport. The weather was horrendous and we got there only to find that our 19:20 flight was delayed by an hour and a bit. Once we were in the air we were delayed further in a holding pattern above London whilst we waited for winds to die down. Nearly two hours late we made it on to the runway at Heathrow. Staggered to bed in the early hours of the morning in Windsor.

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