Family 6

By meganrose

Rest time

The whole house has been fighting off a cold the last week. Rory and Farrah have had it worst, they are shattered. Here they are, watching the portable DVD player in our bed this morning before nursery. Tonight they fell asleep with the light on - exhausted little mites.

Another sunny afternoon and a walk into Lancaster. My girl and I, we cover a lot of miles now. There's a lot of time to think too. Today I reflected upon the fact that for some people, the world is not enough. Luckily though, things have been really tough in our household of late and we have all smiled and pulled through it, knowing that a roof over our heads, a bit of food in our bellies and each other is enough. It's a good realisation. I'll stop there at the risk of sounding all smug...

Right - back to transcribing... F
For the record, I can touch type, but transcribing is painfully slow. I'm getting the hang of it now though. Only 6 more interviews to go....


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