Family 6

By meganrose


The babies slept much better last night and as a result they were kind of crazy today. Don't be fooled by their laughing faces though, Farrah had just had a full scale tantrum in Sainsbury's because I wouldn't let her pack the groceries. She screamed. she lay on the floor. She hid under the till area. She refused to be carried or walk. Even bribery in the form of Mini Eggs didn't work. Rory, who was initially on her side got annoyed after 15 minutes of it and told her to shut up!!

The swings came to my rescue and thankfully we had time to play. Imagine if we were short of time, she would probably still be at it now. Currently she is looking for the kittens tongue...

Half term. Boys here for an extra night, Dazzle jamming with his brother.

Last time of cleaning the holiday cottage - it no longer fits in due to nursery timings.

The sun came out around 2pm after a dank start to the day.

Sabina and Jakub visiting for Sunday Roast.

I sense a good weekend coming.


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