In Tru Life

By TruLife

Watching Sister Swim!

We pottered in the house this morning and then ventured out after lunch to run an errand at the bank. When we came out a beautiful pale ginger cat was causing concern for a lady trying to cross the road. He was following her back and forth across the road and kind of lingering on the road. When we came out of the bank he then followed us, into our car! I had to put him out twice! He seemed to be holding his head to the side as if it was sore. So I decided to take his owners number from his collar and discovered his name was "Ginge"! When I got home (I had left my mobile at home) I text the owner to explain and because she was close to home she went to check on Ginge. She couldn't find him and we became worried he'd got run over as he seemed so disorientated. Eventually he returned home and his owner Lyndsay text to tell us! Phew! Maddy was most relieved!

This afternoon we went to the club for Maddy's swimming lesson and then her "Movie Night", but discovered that swimming wasn't on, so Maddy went in herself and we watched from the side. I was afraid Flori would try to walk into the pool as she does when I carry her, so I left her in the buggy (to Maddy's suggestion) and she was fine! She watched all the swimmers and played happily for half an hour!

Once Maddy was ready she went to Movie Night and Flori had some kedgeree (which I actually make with smoked haddock, rice, peas, brocolli, sweetcorn and herb butter), a fruit pudding, a yoghurt and a bit of a cookie. I was most pleased as it seems she's on the mend!

This evening however Maddy had a bit of a paddy going to bed and has woken Flori who just will not go back to sleep! Grrrr!

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