Dancing in the spotlight

So, the great annual Finnish high school event, the Dances of the Old, took place today; I woke up before 5 a.m. just for that! I mean, normally I wake up around six o'clock, but this day was so different because I had to do so many things to be ready for the dances.

Now that we the 2nd-graders are the oldest students in the school, we had the honour to arrange some program for the other school in the morning; we had made a little trailer about our dancing practicing, and I think the other people in the school enjoyed it.

The dances itself went great, we had 11 dances which of one was designed by some students from our class. We first danced for the people in the local retirement homes and they loved us for we came there just for them. We then went eating and had little dancing practice until we had a performance for the primary school, pre-school and kindergarten. That performance sure went well even though all of us said it was a total failure.

One hour of free time, then a performance for the middle school and the rest of the high school. That performance went fantastically, and I'm not joking, because it was a real success! After that, we packed our things up and moved to the local restaurant to enjoy some great food, because the day was that great for us, though. A bus took us to the final dancing place where we had a performance for our parents, families, friends and other people; it was also the place for our final success.

All in all, the day was fantastic, everybody from our class was dressed magnifically and everybody did dance superbly. Today was a good day to test my new objective, too, and I think the first photos taken with it are pretty nice, so I put some of them in this blip.

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