must try harder

By halfcj

He ain't heavy....


...but he's not exactly light! Still...cited!!!

Brother (and gorgeous wife who's way too good for him) arriving today. Although why it should be exciting I'm not entirely sure. We were like chalk and cheese growing up. 3 years apart plus a million miles.

- Of course I was the perfect one, the chosen one, for 11 years at least when I gave up the mantle to our sister. (That'll be another blip down the road). -

i always wanted to be clean, him dirty. I always wanted to be good, him bad. In fact, I always was good!....(him bad!). I was a mother's dream, him the nightmare. Me quiet, him loud. Nothing much has changed, just maybe in reverse? He's put his toys in the cupboard and i've decided to throw mine out of the pram. he always used to beat me up....but wouldn't let anyone else hurt me (once got sent home from school for beating up someone who [accidentally] knocked me over in the playground - I was 5!)

Despite these differences, I find it very very scary how we are becoming more and more alike. We are starting to look alike, dress alike, talk alike, think alike, grump alike and in fairness have always laughed alike. The same things have always amused us. Our wives are both nurses and so similar it's spooky.

I most definitely got the brains though ;), and by rights, he should have got the looks, but I'll let you be the judge of that. We'll do not much for the weekend other than spend time in each other's company, comfortable. We'll go and see our sister on Monday, bring her up to speed and he'll have to go Monday night. I'll be sad...always am. I know he's my brother, but he ain't half heavy!!!

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