must try harder

By halfcj

A walk in the park.

We all went for a walk in the park today. It was a bit overcast, miserable. Doubtless the only ones who enjoy this weather are the dogs who manage to jump in every puddle and take every opportunity they can to have a mud bath. I wandered through the bracken looking back taking photos of the others walking around the perimeter. I then realised i was walking towards deer all sitting in a group on the grass.

As I focused on one of them, He stood up looking directly at me. I took a number of shots, and his glare never faultered. I felt I had taken enough, and took the camera down away from my eye but I too keep my gaze on him. Now we were into a stare-off. We stood looking at each other for what seemed like forever. I lost. B had already reached the gate (I realised after I had given up the stare-down). I have no idea how long we we staring at each other, it was minutes not seconds - it seemed like 5 or 6 minutes? B was beckoning from a distance so as I walked away, I turned to look back at the deer just to see it turn away. It had obviously watched me long enough to know that it had out-stared me, then carried on with it's lunch.

We went for a coffee (Costa of course), sat outside and watched the world go by. I wonder if others speculate on our lives and relationships as we walk by, as we do on their lives?

Once we got home, B & J went over to see her mum, so I set up in the conservatory to take some shots of my bro. Took over 200 shots!. It was good fun, but I think he was bored. So downloaded the days bounty, expecting to find something really interesting to blip, but was haunted by the deer staring at me, felt it was the only shot I could blip. It may well seem like just a shot of a deer to you, which of course it is, but I feel so much more. It was as if we'd had 'a moment'. This shot for me brings back that moment. In fact, in it's highest resolution form, there are nice reflections in both his eyes, making his stare all the more penetrating. A beautiful beast.

It's a short blip tonight as I feel another long night of Port & Whisky coming on to match last nights. Nothing inspiring to share with you so I wish you all a good weekend...what's left of it.

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