simple moments

By simplemoments

curly - q

i was never very good at making those little ribbon curly - q bows for presents... you know the ones i'm talking about? the kind you make using the flat blade of scissors... then pull it down and the ribbon gets all curly? ya... i was not good at it... but this sort of reminds me of that - the end of this little flower. is that a stretch of the imagination? can't you just see this on the end of a present? perhaps i'm only wanting a treat today... because it's been a very long week, a very long day, i'm tired and want someone to appreciate me - spoil me - with a little somethin'...

but we all feel that way at one time or another... my dad would tell me, "buck up, honey" but he's not here... so maybe i'll grab a cup of tea, watch a movie and know tomorrow is going to be sunny and bright...

happy friday.....

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