me... the age of 5

i suppose this could be considered a self-portrait of sorts... i haven't done one of me in the current day - yet... i hadn't planned on doing one of me in the past either... it just sort of happened today...

because... i've been doing some work on grief lately - it hasn't been an easy process - i believed i was through grieving the loss of my daddy - apparently not... grief is very individual - something everyone deals with in their own time and own way... there is no right or wrong... anyway, i'm involved in a class to help me with dealing with emotions that have arisen - this week family issues were on the agenda... once again it came to the surface that i don't have very many pictures of me as a child - except for the ones that were taken in school - and those are only a handful, such as this one... this is my kindergarten one... i'm in the stage where my hair had turned from towheaded blonde to strawberry blonde/red... it makes me wonder if my hair had really been white blonde as i was told - i don't have proof - there are no pictures of me that i have younger than this... i make excuses for my parents that it's because they had so many kids there was no time for picture taking by the time i came along... they were consumed with the oldest kids - but then it dwindled by the time i was born... boo!

perhaps that's a reason why i'm so fascinated now with taking photos... recording what happens... being involved with the everyday - excited at small moments... taking joy in simple things - appreciating the value and beauty in what god has created - big, small, animal, plant, nature, human... all those combined as well as separately - make for...


happy day.....

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