Gable Erratic

By MsGable


Today is T Day. Wet snowy stuff this morning, dank and cold, so after making a cauldron of Moussaka, one to eat tonight, and four for the freezer, I headed off to the canal and blipped my T. It is part of the lock gates and seems to be doing a sterling job holding them together. The wood is incredibly worn and may be useful for future blips.

This morning was our first day of looking after the neighbour's chickens, while they are on holiday in Egypt. It didn't start well as when G went round he found only two chickens. The third he discovered on top of a pile of compost, cornered by the farmer's dog. He had been barking for ages but we hadn't realised why. G shooed the dog off and carried the chicken back to its run. But there were no eggs. We assumed they had not laid because of the dog.

An hour later, after a breakfast of rice and lettuce, the chickens not us, they had produced three lovely brown eggs. Two have been made into Crème Brûlée for tonight.

Hope you are all having a less-fattening Saturday than I am!

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