Vine to Vine

By 6ftmonkey

Lane Change

I took this photo on one of those good days - for me at least. The wife and i got a hotel room downtown just for the hell of it - valentines day weekend of sorts so why not. Got a good deal on the room through work and even though its only about 5 miles from out house it was fun to pretend we were on vacation - spent the day walking around Portland - shopping with an occasional cocktail in between.
But i took this picture on the way back to the hotel because previously when I walked by i thought of someone else. One of my best friends is going through a break up. 4 year relationship - live together. And now they are done. Most everyone thinks it may be for the best but we all really never know being on the outside. But the fact is that now - he has to go in a completely different direction. At this age its different (believe me i know). Its not like we are in college and you can just go out that night and find a new love of your life. it was an investment - it was your lifestyle. And now it all changes.
He is one of the greatest guys i have ever met and some woman will end up hitting the lottery when she finds him. And they will find each other.
But it sucks - no doubt about it. I hope that he looks back some day and sees that his hardest decision he ever made was his best.

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