My life in blips

By Goretex

Madras College, St Andrews

Nostalgic blip of my old school. (Quick photo in between traffic going round the round about in front of it)! Madras, has two campuses - the other campus is called Kilrymont (I went there for 2 years) and is the junior building. This is Madras, South Street and is the senior building.

The 5 windows on the ground floor are part of the admin corridor (or they were in my day), and the library is on the top floor. Behind this grand facade is an equally rather grand quadrangle, and lots of added on buildings at the back. One of the building was a 60s block build known as the Celtic block as it was green and white.

The school used to have a girls' and boys' entrance, but not when I went there, possibly when my sister went though.

That's my old registration class on the far right, to the right of the blue door.

The ruin at the front is Blackfriars Chapel , the remains of a monastery. That was also the school house I was in. Not surprisingly for a school in St Andrews, the houses were called Blackfriars, Priory and Castle.

......... and so endeth today's history lesson. Class dismissed!!

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