Odd offerings out & about

By roymci

11th Red rose

This is one of 11 red roses still hanging in there from Clinton's Valentines day. The bunch went from 12 to 11 when I realized I'd forgotten to consider my other valentine as she was heading off last Sunday & I got given a huge Toblerone - a standing joke because everyone likes it but me.

Went shopping to Wilkies ladies clothes in Stirling to get an 80th bday present for my M in L whose birthday is a fortnight away. I had to go because my other valentine couldn't get out of her kip and back home because of a heavy party last night and someone had to drop both Mo & nana at the shop door. I wandered to Jessops, top of the town etc then went for a coffee in Wilkies. It was very kitch - all pink lights and china cups and hot roast sandwiches and elaborately described cakes but I decided I didn't have the right attitude to get my blip there!

Played about with collage instructions but I'd taken the wrong type of pictures.

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