Davids Photos

By davyatsea

By Special Request - for Nana

Today was Nana Jaynes last day today before driving back up to Leominster. So, she had one simple request - a few photos on her camera of baby Megan. I've taken plenty over the past few days, so I agreed to give my camera a rest and use up a few shots on her film camera. Job done and Megan completely content lying in her moses basket, I simply could not resist getting my camera out. As a matter of interest, Emma did sleep in this very same moses basket some 32 years ago. So, its certainly stood the test of time.

I'm hoping to get a few proper family shots this week, as I've still got another week off and Oliver is off for half term. Megan is pretty much clear of the jaundice that she had over the past few days, so we've got a lovely week to look forward to.

Its a shame Nana hasn't got a computer at her home, as I could email so many more pictures to her. Luckily, I've been able to print off a few for her to take home. I just wanted to thank her for how much help she has given us over the past week. By helping me look after Oliver and keep the house ticking over, I have been able to give Emma and Megan so much time while they were in hospital. Hopefully I've been able to clear some of Portsmouch City Council's defecit with the amount I've contributed in car parking charges, but its all been so worth it!! Here's to so many more happy memories with our family!!

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