Davids Photos

By davyatsea

Brotherly Love - Priceless!

Evening all,

I cant believe its halfway through the halfterm break and I haven't taken the kids out anywhere nice so I can do some blipping. Well, to be fair, the weather has been quite pants to say the least. I'm told the weather is better tomorrow, so we might just venture out and get some fresh air.

This morning I was getting Megan ready for the day and had just put her vest on. Luckily, I had the right vest for the day of the week. This was actually one of Olivers old vests when he was a baby, which has saved us a few pennies when baby shopping. Just after this was done, Oliver came across for a wee cuddle. I cant get over just how much he loves wee Megan. I just thought this photo was just so natural, and she enjoyed gazing into her big brothers eyes.

Later on, we went to Krazy Kaves, the local indoor play centre - which seemed to be packed out with most of the child population of Portsmouth judging by the noise levels. Heaven knows how Megan slept through it!! Oliver wanted to show Megan round, but was dissapointed when she stayed asleep. I'm sure there will be plenty more opportunities for them to play together, both inside and out as Megan grows older. I really do think this is the best thing that has happened to Oliver - apart from when she cries! I've heard Oliver say a few times.... "I cant stick this any more" Luckily I know, he is only jesting!

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