
By Fisherking looking at a winner.....

The winner of yesterday's fishing match and my buddy, Shaun.

Was going to do a spot of fishing myself today but woke to sleet so decided turning over for another hour of sleep was a better option. The Boss didn't go to work today, she's feeling really ropey.

Nipped out for a couple of hours around 10.00 to see the boys, cold wet and miserable, came home to see the Boss, she was almost the same, cold and miserable.

So I've spent the day running up and down stairs with drinks, chicken soup, newspapers, more drinks and a bit of tlc.

Went out to the quiz, just got back to a dark house, so not sure what the Boss's plans for tomorrow are.

We won the quiz and consolidated second place in the League but it was a struggle and our winning score of 42-37 was the lowest of the night. if we'd been playing any one othet than St Mary's A we'd have lost mainly because of the individual rounds where we gained only 7 points out of a possible 16.

Round 1 was a draw 6-6
Round 2 Individuals we lost 6-7
Total 12-13
Round 3 we won 7-1
Total 19-14
Round 4 we blanked on the first supposedly easy question of who was the last Stuart Queen of England, fortunately the opposition also blanked after getting Queen Victoria as the last Hanovarian Queen of England when they wrongly guessed the name of the Queen in "The Lion in Winter" they went for Charlotte, I knew it was Eleanor of Aquitaine but the questions don't get passed in this round.

Half time 19-14

The second half saw the return of the skewed questions where our answers gave clues to the opposition for their questions.
Round 5 we lost 6-8, because of one question that was skewed and one that led them to their answer
Total 25-22
Round 6 double points we won 10-6, but we should have had 10-4 as they had a ridiculously easy 4 point question compared to ours
Round 6 we won 10-6
Total 35-28
Round 7 was a draw 3-3, all of my team blanked except me, and three of the opposition blanked too.
Total 38-31
Last round we lost 4-6 again due to skewed questions.
Total 42-37

I'll give you a couple of the skewed questions
We were asked "A statue of which Roman Emperor was erected outside York Minster in 1998?" We guessed Hadrian, the answer was Constantine the Great.
They got asked " Constantine the Great, the first Christian Roman Emperor outlawed which form of execution on taking power?" Obviously the answer was Crucifixion.
We got asked "In 1930 the Church of England General Synod permitted the occasional practice of what between married couples?" We worked out the answer Contraception. They got asked "Which female Health Care professional was largely responsible for the spreading of contraceptive practices during the 20th century"...again obvious answer Marie Stopes.

Here's a couple of the hard questions we got
1. Which former newspaper owner wrote the novels Manchester Blue, Fallen Angels and The Lucy Ghosts?
2. Who produced an Ornithological Anthology in 1802 which is still the definitive book on British Birds and who has a Harrier named after him?
3. What is the modern name of the main Roman spa town of the Avergne region of France?
and one of the opponents
4. What is the modern name of Lugdunum the Roman capital of Gaul?

Maybe tomorrow will be a better day and I'll get some fishing done.

Das vidanya moy padruga.

1. Eddie Shah ( we didn't get it)
2. Montague (I got it but only because of the Harrier)
3. Vichy (we got it)
4. Lyon ( they didn't get it.)

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