
By Fisherking

...Simply the best.....

Back from Dad's today, another long drive and this time the tops were snowy!

Truth be told one of the reasons I came away today was that Dad had become just a teensy bit over reliant on me (i.e. he'd done nothing apart from get himself dressed since I arrived on Thursday night). He has to have his other hand operated on and next time might not be at a weekend, so if it's a work day I might get only two days off or none at all. So he needs to learn how to cope with only one hand for a day or two, and as this is his right hand out of action, if he can cope with this it'll be a easier for him next time. Plus I have things to do, appointments to keep etc etc.

Back home to a sick Boss. We've both hd this chest infection/fluey/heavy cold/headachey thing on and off. I started with it before Christmas and we've passed it back and forth between us for two months. this week it's her turn.

Mopped the fevered brow, made lots of drinks, cleaned the bathroom, made dinner, dished out a few cuddles saw her off for an early night and then went for a beer with B and D.

We play cribbage on Sundays and I've had two terrible years at it, with Mum gatting ill and then passing and then Dad's problems I've missed a lot of Sundays and played like a pillock on the ones I've made. This year didn't start any better, but tonight it all came right and I took B and D to the cleaners.

I had a couple of hands worth 14 points, a sixteen, two twenty pointers and then this doozy. 24 points, as good as it gets in three handed crib.

For those of you who don't play the points come from
a) 4 runs of three..4-5-6 = 12 points
b) 4+5+6 =15 for two points times 4 = 8 points
c) 2 points for a pair of 4's
d) 2 points for a pair of 5's
12+8+2+2 = 24

That calls for a JD!

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