After the party's over

Last day in London today so of course the women had to fit a bit of shopping in while the men went off to the War Rooms, no contest really!
I snuck off to meet Martin, my oldest friend for lunch. We started nursery school together at the age of 3 and carried on as friends all through our schooling, even going up North together to University. He is the only person I'm still in touch with from those days but I'm not suprised that we are still in touch as he was always an important part of my life. We don't see much of each other now as families and busy lives seem to keep us apart but when we do meet it's just as it always was. Thank you Martin for being such a good friend.

The shot shows Chris beaten by too much excitement! Don't worry because his birthday isn't over yet, we've got 60 people coming for lunch on Sunday - better get cooking!

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