Mrs Unremarkable

By MrsUnremarkable

Car Troubles

Husbands car was in the garage last week for major repairs. When it came out it still wasn't right, so back it went yesterday. Requires more work running into the thousands so the mechanic suggested it might be time to get rid of it.

Our old, but new to us, pick up conked out on Saturday. Someone has been to look over it and we are awaiting the verdict.

My car has gained a mysterious wheel wobble/shake since loaning it to a son and finally the car in the photo needs welding underneath so its not to be driven quickly or over any bumps! But it is the only car the girlfriend is insured on and she has to practice for her upcoming test. Free driving lesson about to start.

So tonight my dear hubby will be surfing the net looking at car websites - this is the ONLY thing he ever does on the computer, bless him.

All pails into insignificance with the tragedy in Christchurch. My thoughts have been returning there ever since I heard the heartbreaking news. Not forgetting the persecution in Libya.

God bless x

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