Lali's World

By Lali

Abandoned and neglected 8

There are too many sad things happening in the world at the moment. My thoughts are with all of those who are fighting for democracy and their human rights in the Middle East and also for those who are suffering the consequences of the earthquake in Christchurch.

Thanks very much for all your comments, by the way!

Today I've chosen this image, which, as you can see, is an old grit container. Not sure if they're still being used as proper grit containers, but people seem to use them very often as bins as well. Talking about grit, I noticed that this year they made a bit more of an effort regarding the amount of grit poured on the streets, which, although it made the streets much dirtier, it made them safer as well.

You will notice in the picture as well the abandoned an neglected pavement, a very common sight in the streets of Edinburgh. I suppose it gives Edinburgh its old and unique "charm" :)

We had a fairly busy day at work today for a Tuesday.

Relaxing tonight and off tomorrow!

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