
By dogwithnobrain

When Your World is Full of Strange Arrangements

I started to explore with the camera today.

I took loads of photos, and lots of them that I wanted to Blip, but I decided on this one, because I mentioned the Transistors Before.

This little thing here, the little rectangle, with the square bits on either end, is a transistor.

The pen next to it, is a 5mm point. The lines on the pad are 9mm apart.

How amazing is that?

I couldn't actually see the form of the transistor until I took this photo. But that's not the only thing. Look at the paper too... you can see the threads of the paper, and slight undulations on the surface. You can imagine the other photographs I've been taking today, seeing everything in a new light. It is amazing and wonderous.

Today is the first day, since last Thursday, that my head has actually been completely clear, so finding this lovely setting on my camera was amazing. Not only was I seeing the day with a clarity which has been missing, but I was able to examine things in the most minute detail.

I think I should have been a scientist. Then I could have spent days looking at tiny things under microscopes.

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