
Having forgotten to contact P3dro yesterday afternoon to confirm train times, I wondered whether he might have made alternative arrangements. However, his faith in me was not misguided and he duly arrived at Costa to meet me for coffee, before contributing significantly to my new 'get fit' regime.

He DID say "Are you ready for a long walk?" I didn't know that was going to be a gazillion miles around and across Liverpool! My Doc Martens are duly broken in and the teensy weensy blister I had on the back of my heel from the gym has now turned into a monstrosity of a thing which stings somewhat.

However, it was all worth it, to spend some time mooching with my most excellent guide, to see new things and new places yet again and to have a late afternoon glass of vino (with soda - although I am not convinced that there was more than a splash of soda in it) with Anna joining us as well.

I am uploading a set which I will link to shortly, but of all of the lovely images I captured today, this one amused me the most - taken out of context, I looks like the man is either
* having his head chopped off
* is wearing an excessively large hat
* is waiting for the other chap to run up behind him and kick him up the bum

Question - when did it become socially acceptable to walk along in a public space smoking a very strong joint? Some geezers walked past us near the museum and the stink of it was horrible.

Tomorrow, working, so that I can go visit my brother on Friday - after a slight communication error, we have managed to organise ourselves.

Have a nice evening - I am off for sofa time.

T'others are here - just uploading so check back, if you want to of course :-)

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