In Tru Life

By TruLife

Lunch With Her Perfect Guy!

As Lallybroch reminded me in her blip today, Floriana named Ethan as her "Perfect Guy" one day when pointing at his picture! She said the words but of course at 13 months had no idea! Lol. However when we met up with Lally and Ethan today, I could see clearly that Floriana likes Ethan a lot. We met at the Almond Valley Heritage Centre which I love and enjoyed a lovely lunch and a play in the softplay followed by some animals! Flori would hold onto Ethan's pram when it was near enough and touched him whenever he was next to her. She also took his hand a kissed it at lunch time! So so cute! She is a very affectionate baby which I adore!

After school I went to my friend Rachael's house as we and another friend Suzy were meeting a friend called Sarah there who has now moved away to London! It was lovely to see Sarah and chat and have lots of fun. The kids played together beautifully and we enjoyed Rachael's delicious macaroni cheese and apple muffins! Such a great cooker (as Maddy would say)! After tea, the girls went to Brownies and I went home to bath baby! My friend Rachael pointed out I call Flori "Baby" a lot and on thinking about it I think it must be because I nannied for so long and it's kind of a traditional nanny thing!

Although I took some lovely photos of Ethan and Flori and the other kids this afternoon, I am blipping this picture because I wanted to show a certain beautiful redhead that she is beautiful by blipping a picture of her in what natural light was left streaming through her kitchen windows! So here you are Beautiful Bonnie, and this is how you really look!

I took loads of other great pictures of Ethan and Flori and here's the Flickr link!

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