In Tru Life

By TruLife

She Likes To Read!

My baby has started to love this book and she has always loved to be read to, even if she does try to go back a page or two (which I let her, I mean it's meant to be fun right?). I read now but the words still jump around and I still re-read paragraphs and entire pages and often think, "Did that even go in?". Madeleine is the same... but I hope Floriana doesn't have that problem and just loves to read... even if it is an electronic book! Lol.

Our day today...
I managed to 1. order an online Asda shop 2. answer an email consultation (very long) question and 3. Apply for some TV parenting style programs via my Starnow profile.

I am trying to step it up a few gears with my parent coaching business and after getting a taste for being in front of the camera on The Hour on STV I want more! I have always wanted to go down that road though and I went for the Supernanny screen-test as I had been doing the real-life Supernanny for a while and they had looked me up. However I was way too camera shy then and fluffed it! I don't feel half as nervous sitting in a TV studio as i do in front of a room full of people and could never be one of those people who gets up at functions, and seminars and lectures about their amazing methods! TV feels more intimate and one-on-one. I know I haven't been great at getting my business going and although I feel that when I do talk to people about their parenting problems I can pretty much help with anything, I know organisation and selling myself is not my strong point. But now my ADHD is posing less of a problem as I am receiving much awaited help with it, and I feel like a new woman! I have organisation, planning, clarity and sequencing all available in my brain! It's just trying to break old habits (like being late) that will be the next step! I'm getting there though and it's a huge relief!

After getting Madeleine from school and having lunch we took her to swimming class and then had tea at the club where Flori enjoyed an after dinner read! This evening I've been scanning the pictures in my sign with baby book so I can make a poster to put up, so I start using the signs with Flori who I'm hoping will be a little sponge for it... On Wednesday this was my Facebook status... Oh my gosh! This so makes up for all the moans and groans... I just did the sign for please and said "please" for Flori to get her cup and she copied me! She did the sign and said "please"perfectly! What a good baby! :-)... I love signing and so believe in it for helping communication and stopping frustrated toddlers having constant tantrums when they can't explain themselves! I haven't been on the ball with it as much as I was with Madeleine and I want to get in there before it's too late!

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