Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

Bottle Brush

Walking through the backyard for a quick breath of fresh air this afternoon, I rounded the corner toward the fountain and was surprised by roses and beautiful pinkish-red puffs -- officially called "bottle brush." Well, actually I'm sure that is not their true name. I'm too tired to take the moment to look-up the real name.

Wednesday is prep, grade, and communicate day. Because it is early in the semester, I am at the moment swimming in emails from 100+ students. So today I tried to get caught-up with all the emailing while getting ready for tomorrow's classes.

I'm still sniffling a little bit, but my head cold is almost gone. I don't think I have ever overcome such a "wipe-out" sinus infection so quickly. I am feeling so much better. Last week was and is blur.

I'm embarrassed to admit, that I just have not been getting here into Blip much. I am at the moment just way too behind in all my other obligations.

Good night from Southern California.
Rosie (& Mr. Fun, and Chloe and her friends), aka Carol

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