No time to waste?

By jt

Striking a pose

I actually managed a walk in the sun today! Very pleased. Less pleased with the birds, though - again, I could hear them all over, but none were compliant when it came to portraits.... The dunnock was cute, but just out of reach for a really sharp shot - the charm of goldfinches (or perhaps chattering/drum/troubling/vein) stayed up the tops of the trees, and the great tit stayed behind the branches.

But in the end, it didn't matter. I'm a big fan of the crow family - they're beautiful, clever and spectacular fliers. And this one was a complete poser! I had some better poses, as he spread his wing feathers a little and cocked his head in a number of directions - a different one for each shot! But this was the clearest picture, and since he put so much effort in I thought I should show him at his best!

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