Fear & Loathing

By McDawg

anyone for sudoku?

well i mean really. what the f**k? surely in this day of modern medicine there is a better and dare i say far less annoying method of allergy testing. i look like a feckin sudoku board. now i don't know about any reactions they may be causing due to allergy test itself but these things are getting right on my tits. now i am sorry to go on as i am all to aware of the suffering of others and how on the scale of things mines pales into insignificance but this is my little rant.................i mean it has been a while since i went on about anything really. still these ludo counters taped too my back are itchy anyway....although i think thats just the tape. wouldn't that be typical. no reaction to the test discs but allergic to the tape.
this all ties in with yesterdays blip (i have back blipped that one today). this is when this torture started. i wanted to tear the damn things off as soon as i walked out of the hospital. i have only to keep them on for another 16 hours or so which is a small mercy......but stiull i can't wash my back until after the final check on wednesday. so i feel really sorry for whoever is marking me at football on wednesday. just to make it clear i can still wash everywhere else but still it just doesn't feel right. i love to shower.....i love water, if i could have my own pool i would, so not being able to just stand under the water and let it run over me just feels wrong.
i've not had any reaction as far as i can tell and surely after 24 hours of direct contact something would have happened? never been allergic to anything before so why now? right better stop it there or this will go on forever. hopefully back with a more abstract smoke blip tomorrow.
off to carnaby street tomorrow to help Mrs McD finish off a new outfit for the impending new job.................and maybe find a little something for myself.
enjoy the rest of the weekend folks.

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