All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Splashes of rain and colour

Today was the day I went back to work. Ethan woke around 6.20am, so we were able to play with him in our bed for 20 minutes or so before I had to get up to start getting ready. Granny and Grandpa were babysitting him today in my house, so they got him to wave goodbye to me from the nursery window. I have to confess, I was crying as I pulled out the driveway! I let myself blub for 5 minutes as I drove along, then told myself to pull myself together so I didn't arrive at work with a tearstained face!

I did get a wee bit emotional a few times early in the day when people welcomed me back and asked about Ethan, but it got better as the day went on. I spent the day re-applying to accesses for the systems I need to do my job and sorting through & deleting the 1744 e-mails in my in-box (would have been way more apart from the fact they get automatically archived after around 8 months)! Had a bit of a headache by the time I left!

I got home at 5pm to find Granny making macaroni cheese for our dinner - yum! She told me they had taken Ethan to Bounce & Tickle this morning in East Calder which he had a ball at, that he had a long after lunch nap on the sofa and that he had been a wee angel all day. Bless! I would have thought he didn't miss me at all if it weren't for the big cuddles he gave me on my return!

So glad I chose to return to work on a Friday so now I have the weekend to recover from a "hard days graft"!!

Oh, and happy birthday to my sister! So pleased she didn't go in to labour today as I know she didn't really want to share her birthday or spend it in labour!

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