Susan i Oslo

By susanioslo

Back in Oslo with more winter scenes.....

We left Paris early this felt like spring there. Things are starting to turn green....not here :)

Poor Daniel woke up in the middle of the night sick and he has a good bout of stomach flu....which bascially meant he was vomitting off and on all the way from Paris to Oslo. Poor guy. He is already feeling better, one of those things that dont last long but are absolutely no fun while you have it - especially when travelling. Now we are just waiting to see if Erik or I get it soon :) Hope not!

All of us are very happy with our short but fun trip. I think it is important to create these memories that we can carry with us - they dont have to be with travel but just doing something out of the ordinary every once in awhile ..... making the everyday special in some little way.

I hope you have all had good days - I need to get to sleep - I have Erik here waiting for me - we are both tired. I look forward to catching up with journals tomorrow.
Wishing you all a lovely Friday!

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