Ice ice baby

A crispy cold yet beautiful day today.

I have my driving exams next week, yay! The first exam I have is the passenger car exam, which I have to pass to be allowed to attend the lorry driving exam. Both exams include some simple questions followed by picture tasks. They'll be totally piece of cake for sure.

I'm more worried about my coming driving tests, though. Driving a car is easy, so is driving a lorry. You can learn the traffic rules, too. But then you come to the traffic lights and you'll never be sure if the lights are red or green. I mean, if you, for example, see the certain word on this by the first quick look, welcome to the club of the colourblind. I'm really afraid of getting the result "FAIL" at least three times because making a mistake in the traffic lights. Ewww, that's somewhat daunting eery.

Hmph, need to go back to school on Monday again. Well, nothing lasts forever, not even the Winter Holiday ...which I spent being sick. But I'm feeling good now, happily, so I decided to do some tidying tomorrow (I think I have too many piles of "something" round my room), studying (ah, civics!) and maybe cleaning out my wardrobe. The last one's just maybe, ha.

And then comes Monday. But it doesn't matter, I love school. I love the building, the atmosphere, the feeling about it. That's something. Voiceless or not, my voice comes back when it comes.

<sarcasm>However, I now can't be showing off my intelligence in the history lessons in a little while... that's little sad, but maybe I should let the others try, too? ;)</sarcasm>

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