From the North

By Tawastian

Covered in snow

Today was a nice day for me and I woke up 5:40 a.m. - I'm the early bird of the house! I ate a tasty breakfast and watched TV for a while but then I had nothing to do. It was so early and nobody else had woken up before me. When my father came downstairs at seven o'clock to make some coffee I had no idea what he would say after wishing good morning.

I was shaken by his severe but calm sounding voice: "Daughter, you've gone so far even you're just a 17-year-old high school kid. I'm very proud of your achievements in life so tomorrow I'm going to buy you a car." My reaction: "W... h... a... t... wait, WHAT did you say? ARE YOU SERIOUS YOU WACKY OLD MAN - HAVE YOU BECOME SICK OR SOMETHING?" But he hadn't so tomorrow I'm going to the car store with him. Somehow I'm feeling a little embarrassed because he's going to buy me a car - that means that I'm not going to buy my first car by myself. Damn it!

Now back to the matter at hand. I visited my grandparents today and recognised that their dustbin shelter is nicely covered in snow. Snow, snow, snow and the weather forecast just said that we'll get more of it.

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