
By rainie

Red & Grey Today....

It was all soft & smushie yesterday, today it's all stark and harsh. Well, I can't be getting a name for anything in particular now can I?

First of all I am feeling really chuffed receiving hearts, all thirteen of them, the stars, all 23 of them, and making the front page of spotlight, rated and favourites with yesterday's blip...you are very generous and kind, thanks heaps.

I pass this shed at least twice a day, and only today did I see its blipping potential - it is used for sorting and storing wool.

I'm off out soon to record a family birthday celebrations, it's always a bit of a concern and I don't feel all that comfortable photographing people that I don't know well (or perhaps that may make it a little easier perhaps). I better go clean the lens & sensor and make sure everything is in going order.

Catch up later

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