
I had a wonderful conversation with my 5 year old today. It's amazing the discussions we have. I asked him what he wanted to be when he grows up. His answer? "A paleontologist."

I told him that he would have to take a lot of science in school and especially in high school. That when he graduated, he would need to choose the right college. And that whatever college he chose, we would make it happen.

He asked what I wanted to be when I grew up. I told him I wanted to be a scientist too. A marine biologist. I was going to the University of Hawaii at Manoa and intended on studying at Woods Hole too. It was my dream. As much as he loves dinosaurs right now, I loved deep sea fish. The Mariana Trench, blinking light fish, all of it.

He asked why I didn't become a scientist. See when I graduated from high school, it was just me, my mom and my 4 year old brother. We were poor. I couldn't even fathom how I would have an opportunity to go to such a college. I was afraid to even try. I knew in my heart it would never be, and I didn't want to set myself up for it. I figured it would be better to not even pursue my dream rather than have someone tell me I couldn't afford it.

So now here I sit with an Associates of Art, a Bachelor's of Science in Information Technology and a Master's in Business Administration. Maybe not the Marine Biologist, but something is better than nothing.

Whatever dreams my children pursue, we will make it happen. I don't want their futures bound by the unknown.

I hope both my boys will always feel like they can do anything in this world, because I didn't know it until I was already in my mid-20's. And yes...I's never too late. *wink*

I found this little leaf at work. My coworker has a real knack with green things, and she's got lots of beautiful plants and flowers around her. The sun was shining through the window making this red leaf sparkle. It was better in person, but I do like its vibrancy. This is straight out of the camera with only the crop.

P.S. Thank you for all the lovely and thoughtful comments on my post yesterday.

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