Life in Fife ©

By LifeInFife

Tentsmuir and Blue Sky

For those of us up north its been a wee whiley since we last had a sunny day where the air felt, dare I say it, warm. It was a welcome change. Lifted my mood for sure, I was up with the lark (well for a weekend) and merrily pootling about doing various chores, happily!

We went down to Tentsmuir in the afternoon. A veritable dogfest. Why oh why oh why, do dog owners assume that all dogs like to be rushed at by strange dogs? And why oh why oh why, do all owners pretend they have the power of instant recall when, in my experience, they clearly dont?

Anyway a lovely walk and home to a nice clean house. Burritos waiting to go in the oven and the boys have been shrieking in support of England who are playing some game involving an egg shaped ball.

I shall endeavour to regain control of the TV at some point tonight.

Its Saturday, so it must be time to crack open the Cava. Enjoy your evening :)

ps Young Jake took what I think was the best shot of the day - I shall shove it up on FB later

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