Club 107

By club107

These are the chains which hold me back

It was one hell of a party as Jarvis once sang. The next day wasn't that bad, no screaming hangovers, no major sleep deprivation issues, no trashed living rooms with kick marks on the walls, oh yes I've hosted parties where mates decided to karate kick the wall, as one does.

No none of that, only sweety smash remnants stuck to the ground, the late night cleaning session helped a great deal but frankly I think next time we do some pinata, a) we do it outside and b) I do not end up doing a Kurt Cobain style pile driver to the ground.

This is the view that number one son has when trying to access the home of all things good, Larderland. How cruel of me to remove the danger of the falling objects well from one cupboard.

A gazillion and one things to do, added to which was the removal by our neighbours of some hideous fence the previous neighbours had set up. Lent a hand to the deconstruction, additional light so thumbs up all round.

Now wine and some serial killer series.

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