In Tru Life

By TruLife

A Lovely Walk On Cramond Beach!

After lunch we went to Cramond as it was Daddy's turn to choose an activity this weekend (it was really his turn last weekend but Maddy called him up and asked "For your choice, can it be cinema please?"). We walked (and roller skated) along the path until we came to the entrance for the beach. Maddy wanted to put on her boots and go on the beach so we swapped skates for boots and went for a walk on the sand (and grassy patches). Floriana was absolutely in her element as she could walk, and walk, and walk, and walk, and walk, and walk, and walk, and walk, and not stop till she was reluctantly put in the pram! Maddy had a bit of a strop as she spotted some kids with wellies wading in to the sludgy stuff and wanted to join them! But with suede boots this is not a good idea! Next time we'll take wellies! I took some absolutely gorgeous photos!!! We then went for a lovely cake and coffee and ice cream for Madeleine at the cafe, before returning to the car and going home. That was after a quick trip to Waitrose for the stuff I forgot from Asda.

Another thing I forgot was a friend's little boy's birthday party and I felt terrible when Maddy pointed out the date! I so thought it was next week and had planned what I would buy for a present too! My friend reassured me I should forget about it, so hopefully all is forgiven but I feel dreadful!

Here's the Flickr link for the other photos, as i sooooooo could not choose! So difficult today! Please take a look if you have time as I am so pleased I've improved at my outdoor shooting!

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