Day by Day with Otago Lad

By otagolad

Good Friends

Well today dawned, another day of the same. An unknown future for Mrs O and I. We are safe, we are the lucky ones we are alive and out of the city of Christchurch.

The aftershocks continue unrelenting.

The pain continues unrelenting.

The fear continues unrelenting.

This got me thinking.............

We are so lucky we have such good friends that will put us up and feed us. They dont moan or care that our moods change like the wind. The understand our situation.
They are doing a mountain bike cross country race in 2 weeks so we threw them out the door to go on a training ride today, we went to the top of the hill to meet them.
Its the greatest thing in life to have friends like Mark and Deb. I hope you all are as lucky as we are.............................................

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