
I am slowly back blipping from Monday 20th onwards.

Thank you for the many comments and concerns for my well being. I deeply appreciate them.

I am shocked and distressed by what has happened and continues as a living hell for many. I am ok, I'm still away from Christchurch, my home is still standing and though damaged it may not be too bad. I don't have liquefaction and neither does my street (though those around me do). Time will tell.

If I don't respond or comment it's not that I don't want to. I'm just struggling with what is going on.

Mum took me out to get a few things this morning (I have very little with me). A man in a shop made a stupid and inappropriate joke about the fallen Christchurch Cathedral. Seldom have I come so close to physically punching someone.

My friend remains missing. We share his families pain.

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