There are far more interesting...

things to do with an iron than to do the ironing with it.
I was going to do the ironing. But I checked my wardrobe and I have clothes for work tomorrow, so, in the words of Father Jack "feck it".
Instead, perch some LED lights on top of it and take a photo.
Yep, that's the way to do it.

Some days, I think I am going to run out of time, but then between us all we get so much done it beggars belief.
Hockey this morning.
Then the gym for me.
Spreadsheet creation (12 of them!)
Corin finishing off the downstairs bathroom, after restoring his van to some sort of order after it was broken into last night.
Dinner cooked.
Kitchen cleaned.
3 episodes of Father Ted - "ah, look at the lovely girls, with their lovely bottoms".
Bathtime for Jimbo.
Packed lunch made for the boy for the morning.
School bags packed.
Laundry away.

So, no to the ironing. It can wait. It's sofa time with Corin and maybe a nice cup of tea.

Ah go on, go on, go on.

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