- from United States of America
- 37 entries
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About me:
handshakes or highfives? Handshakes, more professional.
do you like the taste of cinnamon? I do.
maple or chocolate donuts? Maple.
have you ever ran from the cops, or plan to? Yes.
been sick recently? Winter, yes.
if you had braces, what colors would they be? White.
how do you calm
About me:
handshakes or highfives? Handshakes, more professional.
do you like the taste of cinnamon? I do.
maple or chocolate donuts? Maple.
have you ever ran from the cops, or plan to? Yes.
been sick recently? Winter, yes.
if you had braces, what colors would they be? White.
how do you calm yourself down? Music if it's available or just bite my tongue.
do you like hot showers? Love.
would you ever jump off of a waterfall? Yes, if it wasn't that tall or a life or death situation.
do you have a favorite kind of soda? Sort of. Something basic and classic!
how's your memory? Pretty good.
are you a major procrastinator? I can be.
what would you tell yourself in the future? "Make and sure Mia gets that doctor!"
what if you found out that everyone else was a robot? I would laugh and start punching and attacking everyone. I'd go insane, what else?
do you like eggs? Sometimes.
do you like any kind of foreign music? No. Hmong isn't the prettiest I've heard...
are bubbles entertaining for you? They could be...
would you consider bubble wrap a decent present? No.
ever put in headphones and forgot to turn on music? Yes.
have you yelled at anyone lately? My dogs.
do you have a guilty conscience? No. I've done mostly right and the wrong wasn't that bad...
what would be the worst tattoo ever? A poop?
is acoustic music calming for you? Depends on the artist.
do you listen to music according to your mood? Sort of.
what is one thing that has always made you smile? Italians.
who was the last person that you hugged? My grandmother.
would you ever kiss someone first? Yes.
what would you do if you were in a place that was being robbed? Depends on the place and where in the store I was.
do you take time to think about things? Yes, but I over think many things.
do you like flavored water? Not really.
are there any accents you're particularly fond of? Queens, New York, and Italian or French are always nice.
can you blurt out a random fact? People die.
do you consider yourself attractive? I don't think ugly but I'm not beautiful.
does anything make you really energetic? Happiness.
don't you hate it when people over-use exclamation points? I guess.
do you hate the cheap tissues that schools have? I never used them.
when was the last time you were in the hospital? Not sure...
do you think canned food is nasty? Yes....
do you cry under pressure? No.
when someone uses "you're" or "your" wrong, do you want to punch them? Not really but I do judge them deep in my soul.
jump in puddles much? Shoes are nice to have clean thanks...
what about piles of leaves? No!
are you a firm believer in religion? No, but I do have ideas of my own.
what makes you feel loved more than anything? Food or maybe flowers as cheesy as that is.
would you rather be in the desert in Winter or Russia in Summer? Russia.
do you like those big, fluffy hats? No.
what do you think about scarves? They're cute.
if you were in Hogwarts, what house would you be in? Ravenclaw I think as the one I was into.
do you want any piercings right now? I don't believe in them.
is anyone in your family a redhead? Nope.
is there a food that is rather odd that you enjoy? Isn't all food odd? I think the more exotic foods I enjoy may be considered odd.
anyone you know that has a blog? Not personally.
spend a lot of time working on your profile? No.
have you ever told someone to just go and die? No but I'm planning on it.
when was the last time you felt utterly alone? I'm always alone so I don't care much.
ever been at a loss for words? Sort of.
when was the last time you had coffee or tea? Yesterday.
do you like bendy straws? Yes, I love straws. If you served me a drink with a crazy colorful straw you'd be a hero for life.
would you rather have peanut butter or jelly? Peanut butter, fruit is inconsistent and strange!
if you had a few wishes, would you give one to someone else? Yes, maybe one.
do you consider yourself neurotic or paranoid? No.
what is your favorite article of clothing? I like warm clothing that is comfortable but looks clean-cut, but I'd have to say my favorite things I wear are my gray slip-on Zurriicks. (shoes)
is there anything good about a windy day? Yes, if you have a beautiful surrounding and a willow tree like I do.
do you think about the past a lot? I do, the past defines today and today defines tomorrow, so get to work!
care much about rainbows? I love them when I see them.
think Pluto should still be a planet? I do! It's a sad time for it's followers.
have you ever been genuinely heartbroken? Yes, it's the worst feeling I've ever felt. Knocked the wind out of me.
do you know any douchebags? Boys are douche bags until proven gentlemen.
ever had Nutella? I love it! Crepes anyone?
would you rather take a walk in the morning or at night? Morning. Nice way to start the day.
is there someone you know that looks amazing every day? Yes, mothernature.
ever nearly drowned? Not that I know of.
lastly, do you think 2010 will be a better year? I'm telling myself that it will be.
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